Sunday, February 24, 2019

Just When We Think It Couldn't Get Better . . .

You remember Flame?

Yup that would be her last August. Fresh out of the egg.  Of course the above photo is Flame today. A once a day egg layer and of course we now know that yes she was a pullet and opps, her biological Mama was not her surrogate Mama. Apparently her Mama , one of my two Rhode Island Reds dropped her eggs and exited stage right. Next occupant of the nesting box was one of three Buff Orpingtons.  Who happily felt broody and sat down to finish the task at hand.

As you can see Flame has blossomed into a lovely hen and eats scratch out of my hand twice daily. She is a precious joy to me as she and her Mama were great diversions during times of multiple wildfires and the journey to my becoming a widow. 

Three guesses. OK I will enable you all. My new toy that I purchased during the torrential rains prior to the generous snow. This marvelous piece of equipment , a gas fueled pump, empties my "swimming pool" under the house in about half an hour when it is full. And yes I am in the process of getting up close and personal with an excavator operator concerning putting in a French drain after the rainy season has gone wherever rainy seasons go. 

The most destructive issue currently. It is in the buck pen and the bug eyed boys act as if nothing has occurred. This tree has lived in harmony for the 7 years we have been here. Until the more than generous amount of snowfall we recently received. Now not so much, sigh. It did land perfectly and to my amazement didn't do nearly the damage it could have done. I will have to take down the dead oak and will replace the 16 foot cattle panel it dented in several places. But the caveat here is it left the "extra" panel attached in front of it unscathed. So bingo, replacement panel at no cost. Well  o.k. it was a few bucks about two years ago. But right not it is considered free of charge.

This puppy knocked my 48 inch high field fence down to 24 inches. I walk all four dogs in the back 21 daily this is not acceptable. 

This is my daughter Annie who worked with me , three bow saws, one wedge and a sledge mallet to take it down. 

As if nothing ever happened.  Thanks baby girl you are a blessing! 

And serendipitous at the Chiropractors office on Friday

Now to wait out the next few days of winter storm number , well, I think I am loosing count !


Mama Pea said...

Having that pump must be a time, house and stress saver right now. Mother Nature and what she brings us can really keep us hoppin'.

And who says daughters can't be just as physically competent as sons?? Yay for both of you!

wisps of words said...

Oh yes... French drain... Never heard of them, before the house next door was being constructed.. In the mighty hole, which they produced, by blasting out about 8' of granite. In a city, known for its springs. -head desk-

Glad your storm damage is being taken care of. Great help from Darling Daughter!

Oh Flame is lovely! And interesting story, of how she became! To finally figure it out. :-)

Lynne said...

Love the hen. She looks like she keeps herself nice and clean. I think hens are a lot smarter than most people think! What a great daughter and I bet she knows she's got a pretty wonderful Mom. My own children always amaze me. Don't know what I'd due without them. Your quite a person!! Take Care! ox

Goatldi said...

Well as my son said when his first born made her appearance "is my boy". And then they went on to raise the now 20 year old and the 13 year old to be confident young women who know being able to accomplish life skills doesn't depend on gender but on exposure to the the here and nows.

Yes one proud Mama and Grammie of four girls I might add.

Goatldi said...

wisp of words yes isn't Flame exquisite? In my mind it reinforces the thought that parenting is not giving birth but caring for. I think anyone who has ever sat up all night with a sick child can attest to that.

Goatldi said...

Lynne you are so right on! I have always treasured my hens. Flame is so special in so many ways.

I think the best gift I have had in all my life is my kids who showed up when their Daddy passed. Oh yes they jumped in with both feet but went beyond on that. Both with their own talents and gifts. I guess we managed to pull off something even though one always wonders through those years of trail and error . Puts a smile on my face when I think back on the last three months and fills me with an inexplicable joy.

Thank you for your kind words!!

Leigh said...

Oh my! I cannot believe that that tree didn't completely take our your fence! What a blessing that it didn't! You and Annie did a super job of dealing with it.

We haven't had a favorite chicken around here in several years. They are indeed special. Dan used to have a Speckled Sussex named Sister. She was the only chicken allowed out of the chicken yard every morning. she'd follow him around the yard and keep him company, always ready to eat whatever worms and grubs he found. Mine was an Americauna named Golda. She would somehow get out of the yard every morning and wait for me at the bottom of the porch steps. Ah, such sweet memories. Thank you Flame.

Goatldi said...

Well Leigh it could have if nothing else just from the weight and influence of if being left atop the fence for extended period of time make it forget its memory.

The unfortunate situation with a good deal of my “issues” concerning fences during the generous snow fall is. The parcels to the west and east of me are owned by absentee owners.

The folks to the west are pot growers who have not been present in almost two years. And the parcel to the east has held a for sale sign since the day we moved here. So I certainly don’t expect any participation from either absence owner. Aw shall we toast the lost art of responsibility ?

Thanks for sharing your sweet chicken tales. Flame is such a cutie and I can imagine you and Dan miss your avian buddies.