Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sunday Wisdom


“Be slow to speak, and only after having first listened quietly, so that you may understand the meaning, leanings, and wishes of those who do speak. Thus you will better know when to speak and when to be silent.” –Saint Ignatius of Loyola (1491–1556), Spanish Catholic priest and theologian

5 comments: said...

Wish more people would do as the verse says!!Take care and stay safe!

Goatldi said...

You are spot on Linnell!

I feel that a large reason for the current lack of commutation in this country is due to a lack of active listening. The listener is often involved organizing in their mind their reply to the speakers statement when the speaker has only gotten maybe a sentence out.

Our society seems to run on the objective that we all have an opinion and when it’s my turn you will certainly see the errors in what ever you said . Of course the listener can’t really in accurate fashion reply as they never really took the time to listen to the speakers original comment as the were to busy organizing their response.

Or short and sweet “I know you are hearing me but are listening to me?”

And thanks for the well wishes. The fire is still burning but 25% containment and the air quality is much better.

I have friends who are headed up to the most active area to help their friend gather up his cattle that got pushed further up due to the fires activity. Good thoughts and prayers are appreciated that they find all the cattle safe and healthy still all together and can bring them home. said...

Glad the fire has calmed down somewhat and your quality of air is better! I really feel for those animals caught in those fires.

The Wykeham Observer said...

Good advice from old St Ignatius. We don't know anymore when to keep silent. I hope you will be safe there and once again enjoy the beauty of your surroundings without anxiety. I can only wish you and your surroundings peace. Phil/MN

Goatldi said...

Thank you Phil and May you be blessed with peace and comfort.