Monday, June 28, 2021

Here Is One I Bet You Didn't Know.


What does this large hole in the ground have to do with ants? Also what do ants have to do with not having water for almost 24 hours? Anyone? 

As macabre as this may sound it really was a case of preparing for the worse. Ever since I moved here  in the back of my mind was the thought of what would I do if one of my small herd were to die ? If I had no one to help me how would I possibly hand dig a hole large enough for an adult doe or worse yet one of the two bucks? Geoffrey was a stickler for doing things what he considered old fashioned. I considered it just pretty much stupid as we had now "modern " tractors, backhoes, etc. However for the most part he did all the work and if that was his choice who was I to tell him come into the 20/21 century mister? 

Therefore my concern with what could become a big , stinky issue was pretty much justified. It was always in the back of my mind and finally I found a fellow with a backhoe about twenty minutes from me to come over and for an extremely reasonable amount dig a hole large enough to accommodate multiple deceased when using the bottom up method . Used very successfully in many places looking to accommodate everyone in rapidly becoming crowded cemeteries . 

Engine started the earth rumbled and the digging began. That is until on about the third bite the bucket snagged what appeared to be a DIY waterline. Confirmed by a loud sound of moving water which indicated a strong potential for the pipe breaking several feet up the line. All of that because no water was visible in the area below us. I began to sing "gotta love multi owned old houses that no previous owner made note of what they did." Now the race was on to the front yard (my house has three meters for electric in place this one was in front. It services the pump and the shop.) to shut off the water main and the electric to the pump. Beginning to see the light? The tall lady in the back hollers "but what about the ants?" 

Ahh yes the ants. When Bob opened the breaker box to shut off the breaker we encountered ants. Yes it is summer and yes I have ants but no I have never checked my breaker boxes for ants before. I ran for my spray bottle of Bac Out. Yes it is disinfectant as I had no ant spray handy and if you look closely note the word disinfectant has the root word ant in it.  I am only joking I know that is not really the root of the problem. HaHa!

So ants abated and water line capped off project was finished and we proceeded to turn back on the water and of course flip the switch. I checked the hose closest to the pump as I leave nothing to chance. Good  thing I did no water. I checked several more and determined no water anywhere. SIGH. Bob couldn't get the breaker to stay on nor could he get it to come loose of its attachment to the box. I thanked both Bob and his lovely wife Tammy who had run down earlier to bring him the cap and gluing compound for the broken line. Decided to call my electrician leaving a message for him to call me asap in the AM. 

Lance called me at 6:30 prompt and after a short conversation at his urging I called my pump guy because logic dictates that if it was more than just the breaker and included something going wrong in the process of trying to right this caused an issue with the electrical workings of the pump they could address that also. Not to mention but I will because my electrician is a super guy he had his entire crew committed to a job at the other end of the county. He would come if the pump guy couldn't but not until after his full day work. What a guy!

On close examination there were even more ants in the box when Beau got here than were there the night before . He hit it with serious ant spray and gave me a detailed lesson on how and why ants have caused more than one electrical issue . I am well educated , the ants are ding dong dead and gone, the pump is fine and I can take care of and wrangle this issue if and when this ever happens again. 

I am also happy to report that currently all goats are still standing and Bob very generously offered to come by if one should met their maker and bring the backhoe to cover them up. Of course leaving an appropriate amount of social distancing for the next victim deceased.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

A Walk Back In Time

I have no idea if this will work or not but I tripped over an old video I took of been our last home it was just kind of a fun ride to watch it so I’m posting a link to it I’m hoping it works if it doesn’t I’ll chalk it up to another act of the Internet. Enough time goes by you forget about all the fun stuff and this was an amazing trip and I am grateful to have done it.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Yes We Have Chicks Plus This, That and The Next Thing

I was a slacker when the chicks arrived right on time.  I got organized and took a few photos and then poof be  gone. I will share my small offerings above. I will also after the loggers leave go out and  take some adolescent photos of the nuggets.

Loggers? Yes I had loggers today. I realized in early Fall that the three  eucalyptus trees close to the common fence line were not doing well. They were losing leaves and small branches that begun to look very dead.  I watched them through the winter and they continued to decline. I have always figured that with the height that they had the trees were at least as old as the cabin which went up in 1981. It took awhile to find someone to come out with the all the downed trees from late winter and the early Spring Mono winds events the need was great. I didn't mind at all taking a back seat to my neighbors in the our county who had trees literally in their kitchens, bedrooms etc.

I finally located a family who were 3+ generations in out county .  I like dealing local and especially the ones other highly respected their work and work ethic. So today was the big day the trees went down. Three eucalyptus and two incense Cedars that were planted by the previous owner .They were younger trees but unfortunately they were planted in the wrong place. Incense Cedars don't do well at elevations lower than 2000 feet and need full sun. So they went also and dead branches hanging over PGE lines that are deemed my responsibility were also removed.  They did an amazing job and at a very fair price. I am hopeful that in late winter we will light the burn pile and roast some marshmallows.

I will not use the eucalyptus to burn in the wood stove as the oils increase creosote and the chance of chimney fire. So I now have a huge burn pile patiently waiting for next February or so for the availability to burn without setting the world on fire. 

June has become  bnb month at my cabin.  It actually started with Genna over Memorial Day weekend. 

Next was my daughter in love , Genna's mama, Robin. We had a great time spending a day in Sonora and Jamestown. Had a great lunch at the Diamondback Cafe in Sonora if you are ever in the area great food at a great price. Next up a day trip this Friday from my sister , Annie my daughter the end of the following week . Potentially and old friend from True Northern California the last few days of June. I have a feeling that come July and August I will be my own best company! 

To say our weather has been wonky is an understatement. Cooled off beautifully after a week long warm spell and now we are marching back into a  heat up again. My garden is so confused it doesn't know if it is supposed to be setting veggies or going to seed. I snapped a few photos today . This garden has been in the ground since I believe late April? I didn't put last years in the ground until late May last year. Just flippin' crazy I say.

The bare root fruit trees I set in January are doing great. But I know until they are in ground for two years not to expect fruit or assume they all will live to tell about it. I am just delighted that they don't look like dead sticks I paid a nice sum for at this point! 

Need to get back at it. I will pop in again with more to share as it happens.