Monday, October 22, 2018


If you are reading this post then you have made the move. This is home for now and the foreseeable future.  And you can celebrate by jumping up  and saying "beam me up Scotty ."  If you were a follower of the old blog (which will be maintained for reference) please take a moment and hit the follow link on the new blog. Or don't and break my heart I will get over it.  

For those of you who have been around awhile first my undying thanks for living through boredom, run on sentences and periodic bouts of insanity. Your allegiance is appreciated and the next check for your services is in the mail . Seriously folks where would I be without you? What I meant to say you are aware how I have struggled with getting a new look together and wow here it is in all its glory or lack of for you to enjoy. Gentle comments appreciated. 

I am hoping that this will be two things. The last time I change my complete blog look and the last home of Walnetto Farm on the internet. I am not leaving either the internet, blogger in specific or this good earth anytime soon but I am thinking this is the last homestead. It is a thought I have had for a long time now just haven't verbalized it much. 

Look at this. A blast from the past with wonderful alfalfa and Snowy River in the back with Tubby Tabby front and forward. So typically Tabby. 

Monkee one of the tripod cats here. He was a talker too. You may remember that he would stand by the laundry room door to the garage and command your attention when one of the other cats was waiting to come in. And he was always right. Miss this chatter box feline.

The big snow of 2013  that came with an Arctic freeze and subzero temperatures that lasted almost three weeks . Lovely to look at and so much fun. But it also came with frozen hoses and finally even frozen house pipes. Fun but maybe when it snows next it won't bring quite so much fun with it?

New kids Waylon on the right and Willa on the left. Little Trouble who got the award for the goat mama of the year.  

Baby Goat Bums what is not to love?

What I  always said to my kids. And it did! 

It is good to be home again. Please come to visit and don't forget to hit the follow link if you want me to automatically show up on your end when I post. 


The Wykeham Observer said...

A nice format and I like the colors. Thanks for making it quite easy! Have a nice Fall! Phil

Goatldi said...

I thank you. I even got my layout link back. I really couldn’t fix the old one and so I moved on.

I should send you some apples for being the first to comment here. 🍎

Leigh said...

I love it! A truly warm and welcoming blog. I followed, but apparently I can't follow as a blogger, only a google pluser (which I am not).

Goatldi said...

Thanks Leigh. I tried to make my settings the same as the old blog but there are always glitches. I will find which button I pushed that I shouldn’t of. 😂

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Love your background of leaves. Congratulations on your new digs. I love your goat pictures! -Jenn

Goatldi said...

Thank you ! I am truly excited about it. When things don’t work as one would like them they start to become a process to fix instead of fun.

Happy to have it going and there will be more goat pictures to come.

wisps of words said...


And I don't need a Follow button. I "follow" blogs, on a private blog, where I have the Google Follow Gadget on.... And new posts, show up there.


wisps of words said...

Everything is wider, here!!!!!! Yesssss!!!!

Your old blog.... The area where you post words/pictures, was toooooo narrrrrow. -sigh- But this one, is wonderful!!!!!!

Thank you!!!!!!!! :-)


wisps of words said...

I'm new here, so you don't know me well. But!!!! After you do, you will learn, that I am *never satisfied*!!!! -evil grin-

Now that you have a wider words/pics space, and a pretty Background... Shall we move on, to showing your pics, a bit larger??????? =smiling sweetly, and batting eyelashes=

It's not hard!!!! It isn't! I am old, and not techy, and since I can do stuff, anyone can!!! :-))))

For now, I'll let you rests on your laurels, with the comments about how great this is. But!!!! I will come back to this subject. I will. I will. I will. YOU have been warned!!! >,-)))))


Goatldi said...

Thank you 🌻
That sounds like a handy little item to have.

Lynne said...

Love your new set up!! It's easier to read and is very cheerful. You've been a busy little beaver. Not sure where you get all your energy. Like the autumn leaves. Bet your happier with it. Also like all your animal pictures. Didn't realize you had kitties too!! take care!

Goatldi said...

Thank you Lynne glad for the visit. Yes I am an equal opportunity rescue person. Even before I got officially in the vet tech trade I worked rescue. When we moved the first time in 2006 we brought with us 30 goats, 8 dogs and 13 cats. The troops have thinned out in the last 12 years.

And I am already envisioning my blog background with a Christmas background. This is gonna be fun!