Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Small Garden Big Barn

This is the contents of one side of the barn. Please engage your imagination because it is the soon to come orchard.

above is how they were placed after each trip of a four hour cleaning project
In the beginning there was old straw, old shavings and an amazing amount of goat berries. And this was just the right side of the barn .  It took about four hours to get to what you see below. Not because I am slow or take frequent breaks but because photos are deceiving and it was plenty thick and in places very wet down under.
                               So now clean, layered with DE and then pine shavings.    

Oh back to the orchard. I have planned my orchard , gone to a favored nursery and spent a fair amount of time figuring out which trees were the best for my location and needs. I will clean out two more stalls the same size as the one today and each layer will be laid on  top of the other. They will then be watered periodically until the rains begin . I have already added a large amount of crushed egg shells to the first layer. The anticipated effect will be by Jan/Feb when the bare roots go into the ground there will be a mass of  nutrients in place to sustain them as they continue to grow . I still have a bit more research to do on care and feeding of bare root stock. I will be putting up fencing but note that in the first photo you can see a common fence with the current garden area. So only three sides and a gate to go! I anticipate using 99% of materials repurposed from what I have. We shall see how that works out.

Trees chosen are all dwarf  and as follows apple, cherry, navel orange, already in possession meyer lemon, peach and possibly a pecan or walnut. Exciting times here on the farm and a day of hard work was rewarded with a dinner from the garden and other sources.  Tomatoes, beets , beans  homegrown.     


coffeeontheporchwithme said...

An orchard sounds wonderful. All dwarf trees sounds even better! You've provided a great foundation. -Jenn

Leigh said...

Oh my, that stir-fry looks lovely! And so do your barn cleanings! Garden gold! I love your orchard plans, and hope you'll share what you learn about planting bare root stock.

Toni said...

Lots of hard work! It will surely pay off!

Mama Pea said...

The nutrients in the soil for your new orchard are going to give those trees a fantastic start! Yep, it's hard work but you are going to reap the benefits. And doesn't it always feel great to have a CLEAN barn? The picture of your dinner in the skillet looks so yummy and full of goodness. I could eat a plate of it right now. And I'm still full from our dinner!

Goatldi said...

Thanks Jenn.

We never had an official orchard so this is a first. Flying by the proverbial seat of my Wranglers here.

Goatldi said...

Thank you Toni. Check back for progress which may look only a bit different for now.

Goatldi said...

MP right on about a clean barn. I especially like the effect it has on the Pyrenees. When clean pine shavings are laid down its effect is like dry shampoo. The next morning the Pyrenees pair were sparkling clean from dirt stains and dust.

I have high hopes for my orchard. I can taste that peach jam already! And thank you dinner was tasty. Doesn’t it always seem to taste better when we grow it? said...

Your fruit trees are goingto have a good start with all the nutrients you've got into the ground! That is a lot of hard work! Your quite a Trooper!! Dinner looked great. was that sausage in there I saw? I think it will be fun to watch the trees grow and bare fruit! Take care and stay safe!

Goatldi said...

Thanks Linnell

I have a bit of bare root experience with roses. I call it beginners luck!

Yes that was sausage in the stir fry pan. Turkey with apple from Trader Joe’s. The more folks I meet up here who raise beef, lamb and pork the less I will need to be dependent on even the relatively good sources of commercial products. I am weary of reading labels 😂

Thanks for dropping by and your generous comments